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MasterMind DreamMakers

Dandy's Song
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MasterMind DreamMakers is a unique learning system where adults and children join together to have fun discovering keys to their inner power. This inter-generational approach offers opportunities for young and old to practice positive life skills together, to create a happy, successful, fulfilled life.


In our books, there are three main characters. Cuddles, represents the power of love. Watts represents the power of the mind, and Dandy, the Dream Dragon introduces MasterMind philosophy.

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MasterMind  materials are designed to delight parents, kids, educators, counselors, and to enhance home school curriculum.  We offer you materials to build life skills and optimize your mental and emotional health. “Inner-Active” activities promote a sense of well-being for young and old. You will be inspired to look on the bright side of life, practice relaxation and mindfulness techniques, enjoy healthy living, and use tools to promote positive thoughts and a joyful, loving perspective of life. MasterMind Music is

inspiring for all ages.


MasterMind Keys : We’re all capable of greatness. MasterMind Keys help adults and kids develop the inner qualities needed for true sucessful living:


​• Love Gratitude

Positive Thinking (bright ideas)   

InnerSpace Attitude Choice

Respect  Forgiveness




Focus Courage.

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Our Mission

The original meaning of the word “education” is to “draw out from within”.  To truly educate is to nurture the deep inner faculties of imagination, intuition, mental health and emotional stability. All materials on this website are designed to develop these capacities in parents, teachers, caregivers and children. 


We believe that “Everything works from the inside out.”  Our inner world determines how we experience everyday life.  When we learn how to be the observer of our thoughts and feelings instead of being slave to them, we find the freedom to choose. We can choose to focus on what serves us and brings us joy and peace. We then become master of our own mind: a MasterMind DreamMaker! 


Awareness of this positive psychology helps us open our heart and build the foundation for success.  When we choose love, optimism and kindness, instead of anger, pessimism and fear, we become master of our own mind and our life. We begin to attract what we need to grow into our full potential. Here is our power to succeed, be happy and create a better world.


 It is our mission to help adults and kids learn skills to live life from the inside out. As children and adults practice how to think, feel and communicate in a positive way with each other, they develop skills for positive interaction in the world.




Children are like mirrors. They reflect back to us everything we say and do. Research has shown that 95% of what children learn are from role models. Only 5% is what we tell them. “Do as I say and not what I do” never works. Children observe, learn and imitate the values, actions and beliefs of their role models. A role model can be anyone the child observes and copies. It can be people on TV or the Internet, but most often it is parents, family members, teachers, and close adults. You are the most important factor in your child's growth into adulthood. 


MasterMind DreamMakers is designed for adults and kids to learn and grow together. It is said that “time equals love”. While using MasterMind materials and spending quality time together, a unique positive bond is formed between the adult and child. Adults and kids learn MasterMind principals and play games together to practice these ideas. Doing this helps build communication skills, mutual love and respect. It also prepares you and your children to find more success, peace and fulfilment in your world. 


Tips for Parents, teachers & caregivers


Think positive. Look for the bright side of life. Look for the good in yourself, your life and your kids.


Gratitude. Be grateful for the good in your life.Every day share at least five things you are grateful for. Ask children to share what they are grateful for.


Listen. If you want your kids

to listen to you, learn to listen to them.


Practice love. Be kind. Speak kindly.

When issues come up, find clear, rational ways to express your feelings. Use “I” statements. When you do this, I feel . . . .


Appreciate. Let children, friends and family members know that you appreciate them. Share what you appreciate about them. Get children to talk about people and things they appreciate.


Imagine. Use your imagination. Try to see life from different points of view. Try new things. Be creative. Be playful with children. Praise children for using their imagination!


Role models. Help children notice positive role models in their life and in books. Praise children for being positive role models for their classmates and siblings. Point out people who choose love and positive thinking, and how they seem happier, even when they have problems to solve.


Presence. Be here now. Take time to quiet your mind and be in the present moment. Young children and animals will teach you how. Practice letting go of past hurts and future worries. Meditate. Go into nature. Find hobby that brings you into the present moment. Listen to soothing instrumental music. 


Breathe. When faced with a stressful situation, breathe deeply to relax. 


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